The MANdle
The MANdle MR. SENSITIVE | wine & roses
34.32CADMR SENSITIVE scent description: wine and roses. Front of can: A sweet blend of red wine and roses for the man who isn't afraid to cry or say, "I love you." Back of can: I'M A...
The MANdle DIRTBAG | citrus odor eliminator
34.32CADDIRTBAG scent description: Citrus odor eliminator. Front of can: A smoke & odor eliminator to cover up man smells. Back of can: IF IT SMELLS CLEAN, IT'S CLEAN ENOUGH. - 100% soy candle...
The MANdle DIRTY HIPPIE | nag champa incense
34.32CADDIRTY HIPPIE scent description: Nag champa incense. Front of can: For the happy, peace-loving guy who's all about good vibes. Back of can: DON'T HARSH MY MELLOW, MAN. - 100% soy candle packed...
The MANdle FARMER | dirt, soil
34.32CADFARMER scent description: Fresh dirt straight from the farm. Front of can: For the man who wakes up before the sun and makes dirt look good. Back of can: ...ON THE 8TH DAY HE SAID, "I NEED A...
The MANdle GAME DAY | fresh cut grass
34.32CADGAME DAY scent description: fresh cut grass. Front of can: Pigskin and grass stains... bringing the smells of the field to your couch. Back of can: REAL FANS BURN MANdles! - 100% soy candle...
The MANdle GREASE MONKEY | WD-40, oil
34.32CADGREASE MONKEY scent description: WD-40 & oil. Front of can: A real man's happy place is in the garage. Back of can: CLEAN HANDS ARE THE SIGN OF A WASTED LIFE. - 100% soy candle packed...
The MANdle GUIDO | strong cologne
34.32CADGUIDO scent description: Acqua Di Gio men's cologne. Front of can: For the cologne-bathed stallion you can smell from a mile away. Back of can: GTL, BRO' GYM. TAN. LAUNDRY. - 100%...
The MANdle HAPPY CAMPER | campfire
34.32CADHAPPY CAMPER scent description: Campground firewood. Front of can: For the tent-dwelling guy who feels at home among the cedars. Back of can: DREAM OF THOSE NIGHTS BY THE FIRE UNDER A BLANKET...
The MANdle HIPSTER | roasted coffee beans
34.32CADHIPSTER scent description: Roasted coffee beans. Front of can: The rich smell of organic, fair trade coffee beans brewing in the local coffee shop. Back of can: I WAS DRINKING COFFEE BEFORE IT...
The MANdle HANDYMAN | sawdust, wood
34.32CADHANDYMAN scent description: Smoked woods, musk, nutmeg & ylang. Front of can: For the sawdust-covered jack of all trades. Back of can: MEASURE TWICE, CUT ONCE. - 100% soy candle packed...
The MANdle LADIES MAN | drakkar-type cologne
34.32CADLADIES MAN scent description: Drakkar men's cologne. Front of can: For the man who has to fight ' em off- the smell of a "chick magnet." Back of can: SO MANY LADIES... SO LITTLE TIME. - 100%...
The MANdle MAMA'S BOY | clean laundry
34.32CADMAMA'S BOY scent description: Clean laundry. Front of can: Clean laundry washed and folded by dear ol' mom. Back of can: MOM - APPROVED. - 100% soy candle packed into a pint paint can with...